Trust, Estate, Governance and Family Planning
Speed is a competitive advantage in entrepreneurial firms resulting from the overlap of ownership and management. But as businesses and families grow, speed and flexibility of decision-making get affected on account of conflicting views and interests across generations, which in extreme cases become probable grounds for disputes.
Family values and legacy brought on by a multi-generational vision are the anchors of a continuity plan. Whilst families grow in numbers and wealth, the erosion in foundation is taking place due to lack of a structured communication process amongst its key stakeholders. It is well known that most businesses do not survive the third generation of ownership. This is primarily due to lack of preparation of subsequent generations to handle the demands of a growing business. We have tackled issues relating to ownership, rights and responsibilities, competence of family-member managers and a strategy that is best for business and family.
Our experienced team has resolved issues for traditional Hindu families. Our extended involvement has ensured a fine balancing between the business goals, personal aspirations and needs of family members, transforming the enterprise from being family owned & managed to a family owned and professionally managed enterprise.